Litter by Gideon and Piper on January 31, 2023

Sire and Dam

"Gideon" Sunridge Gallant Midnight Warrior, a silver male Standard Poodle

Sunridge Gallant Midnight Warrior

A silver male Standard Poodle

At a forever home

"Piper" Mithril Piper In the Sky, a silver female Standard Poodle

Mithril Piper In the Sky

A silver female Standard Poodle

A member of our family

The Puppies

Grainger, an abstract silver male young adult Standard Poodle

A abstract silver male young adult Standard Poodle

Soon to be at a forever home

"Pria (Yvette)" Sunridge Midnight Piper, a silver female young adult Standard Poodle

Sunridge Midnight Piper

A silver female young adult Standard Poodle

Upcoming in our breeding program